See How Cops Discovered The Twisted Secrets Of The Sociopath, Bruce McArthur

Gathering Evidence

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Aside from taking pictures, the detectives also bagged and tagged a total of 1,800 items for review. It was taxing and tiring job, but Idsinga knew that this was required. There was a chance that McArthur had more than seven or so victims. In fact, the cops at the station were looking into the missing persons report from more than ten years back.

Specific Method

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When asked how detectives searched McArthur’s apartment, Idsinga claimed that they had used a very specific method. They had to consider the fact that the evidence they needed to collect came from years back. A quick overview wasn’t going to work. As the detective said, he needed to make sure that he used a keen eye and that his people did the same.

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