Scientists May Have New Evidence In Mysterious $200,000 Plane Hijacking Case

Quick Stop In Seattle


Flight 305 landed in Seattle as was it’s original course, and all 36 passengers, as well as Tina and one other senior flight attendant, were allowed to leave the airplane for as long as he got the money and parachutes. But unfortunately for the rest of the crew, he kept them on board and after having the jet refueled, he forced the pilot to take them towards Mexico City.

Flight Path To Mexico


Once the airplane was once again in the air, Cooper told the crew of the possibility of another refueling in Reno, Nevada. But as they made their way towards that area, he also gave strict instructions to the pilot to fly as slow as could be and to keep the landing gear open. Not only that, he also demanded that the rear exit door to remain open which also wouldn’t allow for the plane to be pressurized, hence the low flying altitude.

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