A study conducted by researchers at Georgia State University found that terror attacks in the US between 2011 and 2015, when perpetrated by a Muslim, were given five times more media coverage than terror attacks committed by non-Muslims. And while Muslims carried out 12.4 percent of attacks in the U.S., they received 41.4 percent of news coverage. This extreme focus on Muslims is intentional and leads to violence against not only Muslims, but those mistakenly associated with Muslims, such as Sikhs.

In one of many anti-Muslim incidents, Rick Sorrel of Portland, Oregon admitted that he threatened a Muslim couple in July because of “fear and ignorance” and after being influenced by what he had seen and read in the news and social media. The answer to these types of incidents is a free and independent press that does away with Orientalist stereotypes and treats news as something informative instead of a spectacle to be consumed.