Why Do UFC Fighters Recommend Using CBD Oil?


A growing number of studies show that more and more athletes take or plan to take CBD supplements and non-prescription oils. These include UFC – Ultimate Fighting Championship – players, who struggle with injuries, contusion, high physical strain and unimaginable stress every single day. 

Can CBD oil improve sports performance?

There is still a lot of research that must be carried out to find out how CBD can work with sport related activities. Several studies, however, indicate that CBD oil has a strongly beneficial impact on physical performance. CBD oil, due to its advantages, is suitable for people from various sport disciplines, which is why athletes decide to use it. They are often professional UFC players, exposed to high physical exertion, injuries and stress. 

CBD helps to reduce stress hormones

Adrenal glands have lots of work in the human body. They are responsible for the production of adrenaline, cortisol and androsterone steroid. Hormones are key to the functioning of the body – they regulate functions such as stress, metabolism and even the immune system.

Secretion of cortisol is important, but it also requires regulation. One of the studies shows that CBD helps to reduce cortisol release, and thus its amount in the blood. This means that the body is going to better cope with stress. No doubt this is important for the Ultimate Fighting Championship participants.


Anti-inflammatory properties of CBD

Inflammation can cause serious difficulties in performing physical activity. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to relieve symptoms. In addition, CBD oil regulates the whole system and increases appetite, which is especially important during strength training. 

CDB in sport is not doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed cannabidiol (CBD) from the list of prohibited substances in 2018. What does it mean? CBD-based supplements are not banned and can be used even by professional athletes – without fear of being excluded from the competition for using doping agents.

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