Types Of Tree Stand And Why It Is Important For Deer Hunting

Before investing your hard-earned money in a new hunting stand, learning about the many types of hunting stands is worthwhile if you enjoy hunting.


Yet, how can you determine which kind of stand is best for you?

As deer season approaches, a heated discussion about the best treestands occurs yearly. The issue comes down to personal preference. Even though some hunters swear by climbing stands, others favor hang-on or ladder stands.

We’ve broken down the various treestand designs below to make it easier to choose the one you feel most comfortable climbing into this season.

Fixed Hang-on Treestand

The fixed-position hang-on treestand, used in connection with climbing sticks or tree stairs, is one of the most widely used designs. These kinds of stands have been around the longest, excluding the traditional, hand-made wooden stands built in the tree.

They provide mobility, enabling the hunter to reach remote locations for run-and-gun deer hunting.

But, their level of safety is not the best. These kinds of stands have most likely caused injuries to hunters who use treestands. Many accidents can happen with tree stairs, climbing sticks, cords, etc.

When employing such stands, lifelines are crucial. Once you reach the desired stand height, a strap or chain is used to fasten these stands to the tree.

Tree Saddles Stands

A hunting saddle is what you would envision if you could combine a hammock and a rock climbing harness. One of the many reasons tree saddle hunters adore them is their versatility.


Tree saddles offer the stability of a heavy-duty harness while also being cozy, like a hammock.

You usually sit with your back to the tree when using a typical tree stand. In a tree saddle, however, you are seated with the tree in your direction and can utilize it as shelter.

Many people who use tree saddles think they are superior to conventional tree stands. However, some people who use tree saddles may feel slight discomfort, such as “hip pinch” or lower back discomfort, mainly if they don’t put up the saddle correctly or use the incorrect size.

Nonetheless, your body will become more accustomed to hunting from a saddle as you spend more time doing it. You’ll develop “saddle form”!

Climbing Stands

Climbing treestands, sometimes known as climbers, are regarded by some hunters as the most challenging to utilize. But with proper training and safety measures, climbing stands might benefit hunters in deer hunting situations.

A hunter can use climbers to choose a hunting area with suitable wind conditions and to reach higher points without being constrained by ladder stands’ height requirements.

The so-called “climbers,” as they are frequently referred to, are a popular option for people who prefer to travel around a lot or hunt on public lands and may need to pick up and go at any time.

Their comfortable sling-style seats and adjustable leg height unquestionably provide the best level of comfort and mobility.

To get the best deals on climbing stand with reviews from veteran hunters, visit DeerHuntingGuide.net.

Ladder Stands

Over time, ladder stands have become one of the most popular treestand styles because of how safe and easy it is to enter and exit and how stable they are.


Although ladder stands are the safest alternative, their mobility could be better. Although they are the most difficult to carry and install, their comfort is unsurpassed among higher-end versions.

The most comfortable and inconspicuous are those with mesh, fold-up chairs since you can fold the seat and hug the tree to conceal your silhouette. To better blend in, some models even have thinner ladders.

Large chairs and side rails are typical features of ladder stands. They usually are securely fastened to a tree and durable when properly set up.

For rifle hunters, ladder stands with shooting rails can be quite helpful. The only stand types that permit 2-man options in a single stand are ladder stands.

Learn how deer hunting stands can improve the success of your hunt.

Hunters have been using treestands for years. Hunting from an elevated vantage point has many more advantages than hunting from the ground.


Threats from the ground are not a concern when you are in the air. Many species of venomous snakes can be found in your hunting regions. You are kept well above anything that could threaten you on the ground level by a raised tree stand.


Another advantage for safety is that any misfires won’t be directed parallel to the ground, where they could potentially harm other hunters.


You can see things differently from above the vegetation than from the ground. When hunting from ground blinds, your field of vision is frequently obstructed by bushes, leaves, and branches.

You need a clean perspective to ensure success when your target wanders towards you while oblivious to your presence. You can get the perspective you need to make a precise shot when hunting from an elevated blind.


Hunting from a height helps to keep your scent above and away from ground-dwelling creatures’ noses. Moreover, the breeze soon removes your scent.


The human scents that alert your prey are spread and harder for approaching animals to detect. This implies that your target won’t become aware of your presence till it is too late.


A raised stand helps to block out any sounds you might make. One of a hunter’s most challenging but essential skills is noise control.

The elevated height will lessen or mute any noises you might unintentionally make while waiting for your prey to come, making it less likely that bucks will be headed your way.

So, what kind of stand is ideal, then? 

Select the stand that enables you to hunt with security and assurance each time you ascend the tree. Just keep in mind to utilize a Lifeline and to always wear a treestand harness.

Additionally, as more and more hunters adapt bows for hunting, we understand this particular skill requires more technique than a simple hunting rifle. So to learn more about it, check out our guide, highlighting the 5 Challenges In Bowhunting And How To Overcome It?.

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