16 Tips for Living with Depression

12. Set Manageable Goals

Give yourself a task to accomplish that feels manageable each day. Over the course of a week, it adds up to a cleaner home and chores accomplished.

For instance, you might clean the bathroom on Sunday, then toss in a load of laundry on Monday. Each task may take you 30 minutes, but this can be more productive than setting aside an entire day for cleaning. Plus, if you’re not in the mood to clean, a chore that takes less time is easier to handle than a long and seemingly endless list.

You don’t need to disinfect the bathroom so you can eat in there, right?

If the laundry gets folded and put away, that’s great. Don’t stress that the drawer needs to be cleaned out so clothes can be donated. Designate this secondary task for another day. It will get taken care of, but there’s no need to overwhelm yourself right now.

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