There Is A New Technology That Makes Carcinogenic Herbicides Obsolete!

Photo by Dean Peterson -  USDA
Photo by Dean Peterson – USDA

As we have been reporting recently, the global agriculture industry has been under pressure to find a replacement for the carcinogenic herbicide RoundUp, which is produced by Monsanto.

This week, Monsanto announced that they will be dumping over a billion dollars into another chemical to replace RoundUp, but unfortunately, this new chemical has been shown to be carcinogenic as well.

Luckily, some creative farmers have found a technological solution that is way safer than using chemicals.

The new approach, called “Propelled Abrasive Grit Management” (PAGMan), actually uses corn cob grits to blast weeds away, while still leaving crops in tact.

Agricultural Research Service agronomist Frank Forcella is pioneering this revolutionary idea along with other researchers from South Dakota State University.

“For the first few weeks of the growing season, weeds are relatively small, and that’s when we target them with the grit,” Forcella explained.

“Last year, in corn with its full complement of weeds, we were able to get season-long weed-control levels of 80 to 90 percent using two treatments of the abrasive grit—one at the first-leaf stage and the second at the three- or five-leaf stage of corn growth. We use corncob grit for our tests, but other agricultural residues could also be used,” he added.

With natural solutions like this, who needs Monsanto and their carcinogenic products?

John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

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