For 6 Hours She Allowed People To Use Her Body At Their Own Discretion. She Couldn’t Have Known The Horrors They Would Do.


In 1974, Serbian performance artist, Marina Abramović, allowed herself to be groped, photographed, cut, humiliated, stripped, and many other unimaginable things she allowed people to do to her for the sake of her art. This particular performance art was known as Rhythm 0, and it would be a turning point in her life. Not only did it open her eyes, but it also opened the eyes of many others to the cruelty of the world.

It would be 6 hours of unimaginable events that would leave her bleeding and broken, as well leave the world in a state of shock.

Marina Abramović


On November 30, 1946, Marina Abramović was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia to two people who had a very unhappy marriage. Her parents were considered ‘national heroes’ due to their participation as Yugoslav Partisans in World War II. And due to their very busy schedules in government, she was raised by her grandmother and ended up spending hours in church. Doing just as her grandmother did, she followed every ritual and every tradition just like her Baba, which basically means ‘grandmother’ in Serbian.

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