What To Do About Tooth Sensitivity

Courthouse Art of Dentistry

Tooth sensitivity is caused by eroded enamel or a situation where the roots of the teeth are exposed. At tannlegevakt på Vinterbro Tannlegesenter they aim at providing essential dental services and advice to prevent major dental problems. If you have a chipped tooth, cavity, or gum disease, you should aim at treating such oral health issues early because they lead to tooth sensitivity, which in turn causes discomfort. If you already have tooth sensitivity, there are a few things you can do to help ease the discomfort. Seeking immediate help from a professional dental facility is recommended so that you can get specialized treatment based on your case.

Here are some things you should do about tooth sensitivity.


1. Use desensitizing toothpaste

It is good to seek a dentist’s help when selecting a desensitizing toothpaste. They can recommend one based on their review findings. Desensitizing toothpaste blocks pain hence one can find relief after several applications. Alternatively, a dentist may recommend the application of bonding resin. One may need a local anesthetic for this process to take place. But reviews show that it is an effective way to combat sensitive teeth.


2. Fluoride application

Fluoride is effective in treating sensitive teeth. Another advantage of applying fluoride is that it also strengthens the gum tissue which is important for overall oral health. The dentist may apply the fluoride on sensitive teeth and recommend prescription fluoride to apply at home. They will give instructions on its use, and you may need a custom tray too which is readily available.it is good to get a professional dentist’s advice first before applying the fluoride so that you get dosage and instructions on how to use it.


3. Surgical procedures

Two main surgical procedures are effective in treating sensitive teeth. Gum graft and root canal are effective dental procedures that can help reduce or cure tooth sensitivity. For gum graft, you need to seek the services of an experienced and well-trained dentist. The process involves removing tissue from another part of your mouth and attaching it to the affected areas. The process requires expertise and experience so that it is done in the right way. The tissue helps to protect the roots of the teeth hence; reducing sensitivity.


4. Root canal

The last option in case any of the above processes fail is the root canal. In cases where one is experiencing severe pain, the dentist will immediately recommend this dental procedure. It treats tooth sensitivity right from the dental pulp hence; it is considered the most effective treatment for tooth sensitivity. It may be a bit costly, but when one goes through the process, they get permanent relief from teeth sensitivity. It, however, has its cons especially, if not done by a professional dentist. That is why one should review the dental service provider’s expertise, technology, and experience before opting for this procedure. You can visit a website like http://edition.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/11/18/dental.heart/ to learn more.

Visiting a dentist first before you try any of the above remedies is highly recommended. Depending on the dental review, the dentist will recommend appropriate measures. They are also able to rule out other underlying health complications that must be treated to completely cure tooth sensitivity.


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