5 Technologies that Have Made File Sharing Easier

Source: https://cyberdivision.net/

File sharing was considered a hazard in the past. However, thanks to advanced technology, it has become easier than ever to share files. In fact, you do not even need a USB to share files and everything can be handled online.

Document sharing within employees can make the workplace more productive and cost-effective. However, document security is necessary to ensure that important data don’t go in the wrong hands.

If a snooper get access to your files, your confidential data can be used against you. Hence, It is recommended to choose a secure file sharing medium instead of relying upon an e-mail or personal cloud storage.

Choose a file-sharing method that is up to business standards. There are endless online file sharing methods available but not all of them meet-up quality standards.

Here we have recommended 5 File sharing technologies that make file sharing easier. Choosing the right option will prevent any security breach or information leaks.

#1 PDF readers

Source: https://static.makeuseof.com/

PDF readers are no longer just limited to viewing PDF files, now they are capable of doing many other things too. You can create, edit, convert, secure, and share your files without having to worry about your data reaching unsafe hands or users making unauthorized changes to your files.

They provide a secure and reliable way to share your confidential document using cloud storage. Some PDF readers also support other cloud storage systems like Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive.

If creating and sharing PDFs is a daily part of your job then PDF readers can be a great way to collaborate and file sharing. However, make sure to get your hands on the right tool so that you can enjoy all the file-sharing features.

There are some free PDF readers but they are not worth a try as they lack the security features that tools like SodaPDF have to offer.

#2 Google Drive

Source: https://images.idgesg.net/

Google Drive is among the most commonly used file-sharing platforms. It even allows you to change access settings to ensure safety.

It provides 15 GB of free storage and also supports multiple digital devices like mobile phones and laptops. However, its file organization system is a bit outdated and clumpy.

#3 OneDrive

Source: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/

Google OneDrive is Microsoft’s platform for easy file sharing system. You get 5 GB free storage and file sharing feature for Office and PDF documents.

#4 Dropbox

Source: https://static.makeuseof.com/

Dropbox was introduced in 2007 and was the first platform to offer cloud storage services. Over time Dropbox has evaluated into one of the best file sharing platforms.

However, Dropbox provides only 2 GB of free storage to users. You can get the paid version if you want more storage.

#5 Wimi

Source: https://static.crozdesk.com/

Wimi is an online collaboration tool that allows cloud synchronization. It’s a project management tool that offers 10 GB of free space. It is a user-friendly and easy to use file sharing tool that also offerss a generous amount of storage to its users.

While Wimi is great, its mobile app is quite outdated.


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