Pregnancy Tips: Here’s What To Know When Choosing The Best Formula For Your Child


There is a bewildering variety of baby formula choices available in today’s supermarkets, so it can be very difficult to know which one is healthiest for your baby.

Some of these formulas are fortified with iron, some contain fatty acids, some are based on cow’s milk or soy products, and others are formulated for babies who may be lactose intolerant.

In order to choose the right formula for your baby, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the different varieties of baby formula. There are three basic forms that baby formula is marketed in today, and all three are alternatives to breast milk.

Even if you’re a mother who has planned to feed breast milk to your baby, there are definitely times when it simply won’t be practical to do so, for instance if you go to work, or if you’re unavailable for some reason.

In this situation, it’s helpful to have an alternative that you can use until you can get back to regular breast milk feeding. The three readily available forms on the market today are powders, concentrates, and ready-to-use formulas. Powders are generally the most affordable, and it’s usually only necessary to mix a scoop of powder with water to produce baby formula.

Liquid concentrates are a little pricier and are generally diluted with water as well. The ready-to-use formulas are the most convenient, but also the most expensive, and you can pour these directly into a baby bottle for feeding. To learn more, visit this page.

What’s included in these formulas?

The formulas which are based on cow’s milk will usually include vegetable oils for fat calories, along with a number of minerals and vitamins. Some are also fortified with iron, and these are most appropriate for babies that are healthy and go the full term.

Baby formulas which are based on soy include soy protein, corn syrup, and generally some amount of iron. These formulas are especially appropriate for babies who are lactose intolerant, or who, for some reason, can’t easily ingest formulas based on cow’s milk.

It’s possible that a baby could have an allergy to cow’s milk and is unable to ingest this type of milk because of it. It’s not recommended that you use milk that’s based on soy products for babies who don’t go full term, or who have a low birth weight.

Another class of baby formulas is regarded as specialty baby formulas, and this includes a huge range of products which have been developed to satisfy special needs that infants may have.

There are hydrolyzed protein formulas which are developed for babies who have allergies to cow’s milk, and there are other specialty formulas developed for babies with medical conditions that prevent them from processing fats or proteins.

Some specialty formulas are enriched with omega fatty acids to accelerate a baby’s brain development, nerve development, and vision.

Other formulas include probiotics, which are helpful bacteria normally found living in the gut. Probiotics provide the same kind of bacteria which is generally included in breast milk, and which help to keep babies’ intestines healthier.

Another whole class of specialty baby formulas are prebiotics, and these include carbohydrates that allow the good bacteria to stay in your baby’s gut and thrive there.

How to choose the right formula for your baby

A good place to start when trying to figure out which baby formula might be best for your infant, is to consult your pediatrician for some kind of recommendation.

Some hospitals also provide new mothers with an array of samples which can be used, or coupons that can be used to purchase different types of baby formula at a supermarket.

Regardless of which one you choose, you can rely on the fact that each one of these formulas meets guidelines established by the FDA for nutrition, so chances are your infant will thrive on any one of them.

However, after you have used any specific baby formula for a certain amount of time, you may find that your infant just doesn’t tolerate that specific formula, so it may be necessary to switch to an alternative.

In all cases, you’ll need to be sure and check the expiration date on any formula you buy and avoid buying any products which come in damaged bottles or cans.

When it does become necessary to switch formulas for some reason, you can experiment with one of the other types of formula to see which ones your baby can tolerate, and which are well-received.

When you feed your baby any specific type of formula, look for signs of food allergies, diarrhea which might develop, or an inordinate amount of fussiness. It’s a good idea to consult with your pediatrician when switching formulas, because you’ll generally be on solid ground when you do.

You’ll probably also need to switch formulas as your baby grows, since some formulas are only intended for infants between the ages of four and 12 months. These formulas typically include more nutrients and calories than regular infant formulas, but any switch you make could be objectionable to your baby.

That’s why it’s always best to consult with your pediatrician before making any kind of switch, and when you do make a change, be careful to observe your baby’s reaction in the first several days after making any change.

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