6 Tips to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Marriage

Tasteful Space

So your marriage has hit a stagnant point and you feel like the current just isn’t flowing anymore. Even if you’ve built your love specifically around a sexual attraction, that flame will begin to fade. Luckily for you, it isn’t the end of the world and there are ways to get those circuits flowing again.

Marriage isn’t a one-way street—you both have to be receptive to one another’s ideas. Make sure you’re capable of being yourself around your partner. You should also have an underlying friendship and understanding of one another. The last thing you want to do is live out half-hearted days because you let the love of your life walk away. Here are a few ways to keep the spark in your relationship.

1. Re-evaluate why you’re together.

This is an important part of reigniting any relationship’s flame. If you don’t know why you’re with your partner then why are you two even together? Re-evaluate why and what it means to be with your lover. Sometimes as humans we stray from the path and forget about all the good we’ve done and only focus on the pessimistic bad things. It’s time to throw away all of those bad thoughts and open the floodgates for good and happy emotions.


2. Reestablish communication and trust.

Communication can go a long way in a marriage—trust can take that even further. Don’t question everything your lover does, and especially don’t question what they aren’t doing. If you don’t have trust in your relationship, then your marriage is destined to deflate and fail. Give this exercise a try as much as you can, make an arranged time each day for you and your significant other to have a feelings check. You can make the feelings check every night before dinner, or you can make it before bed. It’s in your best interest to know how your partner is doing, otherwise, how can you fix what you don’t know is broken.


3. Cultivate forgiveness.

Be more forgiving. Yes, this is easier said than done. Although you will feel better about yourself if you can truly give a heartfelt apology to your lover. You’ve got to come to a point where you must detach away from the animosity, bitterness, and resentments that you’re holding onto. Besides the fact that it’s unhealthy for you, it is also unhealthy for your relationship. Holding and lingering onto the hurtful memories will only perpetuate them further. Forgiveness is a process, try to be mindful of this.

4. Show off by giving your partner a present.

Ever thought of buying a present for no reason but to say “I love you”? Try giving them a gift, such as lab grown diamonds or man-made diamonds. These diamonds have exact identical properties as the diamonds that are made in nature but actually cost 30 percent less than natural diamonds. This jewelry will be sure to take their breath away, without breaking the bank.

Reputable retailers such as The Estate Watch & Jewelry Co. in Scottsdale, Arizona are always happy to offer valuable advice on precious stones that fit your budget.

5. Set boundaries.

Try to set up rules and boundaries with your significant other. It’s not fair if you think your lover is cheating on you for you to go through their phone on a daily basis. This will only break their trust even further then what trust you have left. Be honest with your partner, tell them how you feel and what you would like them to do. Now is the time to be critical when setting up these boundaries.

6. Consider couples therapy.

If you and your lover are having issues in your relationship you can always consider couples therapy. Even though there are strict quarantine laws going around because of covid-19 Therapy Group of NYC offers couples teletherapy. You and your significant other can have separate therapists with individual therapy sessions or have group therapy. Therapy is great for your mental health and helps you get things off of your chest that you aren’t able to speak with to your wife or husband. Therapy Group of NYC is there to help the .specific needs of each client. So far 80% of their clients have found that therapy is effective and helps their mental health.


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