Weed Killer Linked To Parkinson’s Disease, What You Need To Know

Cleveland Clinic

In the U.S., many agricultural workers who were exposed to the harmful chemical paraquat are now diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Now, lawyers nationwide are telling them that they may seek financial compensation. In multiple states, lawsuits are already filed and many attorneys are offering free consultations to review individual cases.

Paraquat lawyer Matt Dolman of Sibley Dolman Gipe Accident & Injury Lawyers in Florida says that “the claim states that the makers of paraquat knowingly produced and distributed a known toxin. Currently, paraquat is banned in more than 30 countries. These injured consumers and their loved ones are seeking financial compensation for the pain and suffering they experienced due to their exposure to paraquat. A paraquat settlement may help cover the medical expenses, lost wages, and suffering that a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease brings.”

By filing a claim with help from an experienced paraquat attorney such as Matt Dolman, you’ll give yourself a better chance of winning compensation to cover all of the costs of treating your Parkinson’s disease.


What You Need to Know

Dozens of countries worldwide have now banned paraquat. This weed killer is so toxic that even ingesting a single sip of it can kill a person, according to many sources. In the United States, however, paraquat isn’t just legal, people are using it more than ever.

Between 2006 and 2016, the total amount of paraquat use in the United States doubled. That translates to an increase of exposure to paraquat and the harm linked to the highly toxic chemical.

Not just deadly, this herbicide can increase your risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Plaintiffs filed the first-ever lawsuits against the manufacturers of paraquat for causing Parkinson’s disease in October 2017 in Illinois. Now, victims can hold the manufacturers accountable for their lack of care and the misinformation they gave the public.


What is Paraquat?

Paraquat is an incredibly fast-acting, non-selective contact weed killer. In fact, one of the most popular herbicides containing paraquat in the United States is known as Gramoxone SL 2.0 Herbicide, manufactured by Syngenta.

Beware of paraquat sold under these trade names:

  • Blanco
  • Para-SHOT
  • Firestorm
  • Quick-Quat
  • Devour
  • Parazone
  • Helmquat
  • Orthro-Paraquat


What is Parkinson’s Disease?

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder in which specific cells in the brain don’t produce enough dopamine. When you don’t have enough dopamine, you may experience gait problems, tremors, and limb rigidity.

Although Parkinson’s is a movement disorder, it can also bring out other progressive symptoms such as:

  • Depressions
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Sleep disorders
  • Constipation


What Should You Know About Paraquat Lawsuits?

If you want to pursue a paraquat lawsuit, you may seek compensation for all your damages, such as lost wages, medical costs, pain and suffering, and a decline in your quality of life.

You must, however, meet deadlines to file toxic exposure lawsuits. This means in-depth investigations, paperwork, and medical examinations. The sooner you get started with your lawsuit, the better. You will definitely need help when trying to prove that paraquat exposure caused your Parkinson’s disease. An experienced paraquat lawsuit lawyer can help with this.


The Bottom Line

Financial compensation is readily available to all licensed applicators and other agricultural workers after paraquat exposure. Do your research and choose the most experienced paraquat lawyer in your area. This way, you’ll have the best chance at winning compensation and can afford the best care possible.


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