Man Found Inside Stomach Of A Python After He Was Swallowed Whole

People Questioned Its Authenticity


When the news came out, many questioned whether the pictures and video were fake. Aside from the fact that it was just such an incredibly rare story, it was also because there are so many people who enjoy using scare tactics when it comes to giant creatures. According again to Emily Taylor, “Honestly, people try to fake things a lot when it comes to big snakes.”

The Disturbing Evidence


When checking the video, Taylor shares that, although she won’t confirm that it’s real, what she did say was that the fact they caught the whole event on video, instead of just pictures, ‘is noteworthy.’ She goes on to say, “The video doesn’t have any strong indicators that it is fake. If it’s real, it’s really disappointing that someone lost their life.” The video also came with a warning label from many publications that featured the story due to the gruesome content. But despite that, it was watched by over a million viewers.

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