He Turns Junk Into Animal Art Projects To Raise Awareness About Pollution

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

The last time you moseyed past a piece of litter on the ground, were you inspired to do anything more with it than throw it away?

If so, you’d share company well with artist Artur Bordalo (aka Bordalo II), who has spent a good portion of his time creating art projects that aim to draw attention to the problems of pollution.

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

Whether the problems stem from waste production, consumer ignorance, or materials not being reused, his giant masterpieces cause one to reconsider in awe their own ecological footprint and how they might live with more regard for the environment.

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

Bordalo’s intention is to depict nature itself, or in this case – animals, out of materials that are responsible for its destruction. Such powerful work definitely deserves to be shared with the world, for it’s creations like these which have the power to inspire action.

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

All of his works were built using end-of-life materials: the majority were found in wastelands, abandoned factories, or just randomly along his travels. Some were even obtained from companies going through a recycling process.

Damaged bumpers, burnt garbage cans, tires, and other discarded appliances can be spotted in his works if you look closely enough.

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

Bordalo’s work is not only a creative way to utilize the discarded materials of society, but an inventive way to call-to-action consumers who live with little to no regard for the environment.

Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II
Credit: Bordalo II

Truly, we are an extension of this Earth and must take care of it for present and future generations to thrive.

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