He Chose to End His Career To Donate Bone Marrow To A Stranger

Source: https://faithit-eszuskq0bptlfh8awbb.stackpathdns.com/

Can you imagine donating 2 liters of bone marrow to a complete stranger? Would you pause your life, and moreover, end your career, just so that you could give someone you had never met a chance to survive? That’s exactly what this 21-year old athlete did in order to help save a life. He selflessly gave up his athletic career in order to allow a 28-year old leukemia patient hope at survival.

Cameron Lyle is proof that not only do good guys still exist in the world, they also have hearts beyond measure.

Cameron Lyle, Athlete Extraordinaire

Source: http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/

Cameron Lyle was a 21-year old star athlete who had finished high school at Timberlane Regional High School. After graduation, he went on to study college at the University of New Hampshire where he joined their Track and Field team.

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