Fractal Patterns and Golden Ratio Pulses Discovered in the Stars

According to a recent article published in Scientific American, fractal patterns and the golden ratio have been discovered in outer space for the first time.

A Hubble Space Telescope image of a variable star called RS Puppis.  Credit: Scientific American
A Hubble Space Telescope image of a variable star called RS Puppis.
Credit: Scientific Americantime. The specific kind of stars, called RR Lyrae Variables, were found using the Kepler Space Telescope by researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. These stars expand and contract (different than regular stars) causing their brightness to adjust dramatically, and in effect, create pulsations.

Like many findings of late suggesting that existence flows in perfect order, the pulsations aren’t random: they fluctuate in accordance with the golden mean. The golden ratio is evidently perceived in nature all the time, but this is the first time it has been identified in space.

Lead researcher Dr. Lindner explained, “Unlike our sun, RR Lyrae stars shrink and swell, causing their temperatures and brightness to rhythmically change like frequencies or notes in a song.” What’s most important is the ratio between the swelling and the shrinking.

Many of the stars studied have been pulsating frequencies nearly identical to the golden ratio, claiming the title ‘Golden RR Lyrae Variables‘. “We call these stars ‘golden’ because the ratio of two of their frequency components is near the golden mean, which is an irrational number famous in art, architecture, and mathematics,” stated Dr. Lindner.

What is the Golden Mean?

The Golden Mean (also identified as the Golden Ratio, or 1.61803398875…) is a pattern that is absolutely essential to the understanding of nature. It is found in everything from sunflowers, to sea shells, to succulents, and is commonly referred to in the study of sacred geometry.
Credit: JuevesFilesofico

Absolutely essential to Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man painting, the Golden Mean can be found in the layout of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the Parthenon, and even plays a role in the understanding of the human genome and its potential to unlock codes in our DNA.

When plotted numerically, the Golden Ratio creates a sequence that emerges as what can be perceived to be a ‘fractal pattern’. In the last 15 years, modern physicists and metaphysicans have avidly suggested that the study of fractal patterns may help lead us into a greater understanding of the Universe, as well as a unified field within it that very likely plays a role in the structuring of ‘all that is’.

“The golden stars are actually the first examples outside of a laboratory of what’s called “strange non-chaotic dynamics. The ‘strange’ here refers to a fractal pattern, and non-chaotic means the pattern is orderly, rather than random,” continued Lindner. “Most fractal patterns in nature, such as weather, are chaotic, so this aspect of the variable stars came as a surprise.”

The group of RR Lyrae Variable stars being studied are over 10 billion years old – still in their youngest cycle, and their brightness varies by 200 percent over a half a day. This can make them difficult to study from Earth due to our day and night cycle.  It is the variation itself causing this mathematical phenomenon.

Credit: Collective Evolution
Credit: Collective Evolution

Remember it was Plato who theorized that the universe as a whole is simply a resonance of ‘Music or Harmony of the Spheres.’ Such a finding may provide more insights in the future as spiritual science, intuited philosophies, and astronomy continue to bridge gaps of understanding and share more clues about the universe and its truths.


Scientific American

Spirit Science and Metaphysics

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