A Sick Homeless Pit Bull Gets Rescued & Makes An Inspiring Recovery!

Sandy a passerby recently spotted a badly injured pit bull called Savannah. She was so frightened of people that she wouldn’t allow anyone near her. Sandy was not able to rescue her but decided to do something about it. She contacted Hope For Paws who came to Savannah’s rescue.

Often times people think there is little they can do when they see a stray in need. But this simply isn’t true, as Sandy has proven. While she couldn’t save this precious pit on her own, she chose to do something and contacted someone who could help.

Savannah required major surgery to remove the tumor from her ear and remove her badly damaged eye. Hope For Paws generously covered the costs. The only way they were able to do so was because of the donations they receive.

Our hope is that people will watch Savannah’s video and see that they too have the ability to help those without a voice.

Whether you foster, volunteer, donate, rescue, advocate, share or adopt… anyone can make a difference. By supporting Hope For Paws we are giving Hope For Paws.

To make a small donation to Hope For Paws, please visit: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
To adopt Savannah, please contact Second Chance at Love: http://www.SecondChanceLove.org

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