4 Ways Businesses Can Help Save The Planet

Giving Compass

Many individuals do their part to go green and save the environment. While a person may assume individual effort is enough, it is smart for businesses to jump on the green wagon and do their part. What can a business do to save the planet? Read on to find out!

One: Cut Down on Electricity Usage

Often employees of a business do not focus on saving electricity because they are not paying the electric bill. A huge way businesses can help the environment is to watch their Business electricity usage. Taking measures to lower electricity usage is good for both the Earth and the business’s bottom line.

How can a business owner cut down on electricity usage? One easy way is to switch the lighting to compact fluorescents. Employees will not even notice the change, but the department in charge of paying the electric bill will. Another good tip for saving electricity and lowering the bill is to shut down and unplug all electronics when not in use.

Two: Switch to Sustainable Packaging

A change that will have a huge impact on the business’s carbon footprint is to switch to sustainable packing. While many businesses think using recycled materials is enough, it is way better to use green packaging. Packaging can be expensive, so if a business can reduce the amount of packaging, this will help the environment and the business’s operating budget.

Three: Allow Employees to Telecommute

Businesses can help save the planet by cutting down on the commute of their employees. If the staff is allowed to telecommute, which means work from home, this will reduce commuter traffic, gas emissions, and in turn, reduce the company’s carbon footprint. If it is not feasible to have the staff working from their own location, look into setting up a company carpool. Hence, the business is responsible for fewer employee vehicles on the road.

Four: Change Up the Office Drinking Water

In many workplaces, it is common for employees to drink their water from disposable plastic single-use bottles. Businesses wanting to save the planet should change up the drinking water options in the office. Instead of employees bringing in several disposable water bottles each day, give each employee their own reusable water bottle or drinking glass. The container can be personalized with the employee’s name or feature the company logo on the front.

In the office kitchen or break room, provide a water cooler stocked with five-gallon jugs of water. Individual single-use waters are not cheap, so many employees will likely switch from expensive disposable water bottles to the reusable bottles provided by the company. If employees are told the switch will help the environment, they may be more likely to get on board with the new office water cooler. For employees that are not ready to make the switch, a business can provide plastic bottle recycling bins.

In conclusion, there are many things that a business can do to help save the environment. None of the above ideas are drastic, but each can help save the planet and even save a business some money. Another benefit is that many people go out of their way to shop at Earth conscience businesses, so the above can be good steps that bring in a new customer base.

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