Health Benefits of CBD Oil You Need to Know


CBD oil, or cannabidiol, has broken away from the moniker of an illicit drug. Now legal in many states and even countries (though in some places, like Virginia, you will need a prescription), the health and wellness benefits are finally being taken seriously. This is after a long period where anything cannabis-related was treated as an illicit substance. CBD is a different chemical and does not have psychoactive properties. In fact, it is illegal to sell if it contains more than 0.3% of CBD, and even then if often completely free of THC entirely.


Understanding CBD

So what is CBD exactly? It’s a strain from the cannabis plant that works with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system has been found to influence pain sensation, mood, appetite, and cognitive process. It works by producing cannabinoids in the body. CBD is a type of phytocannabinoid, or plant cannabinoid, and works to supplement the chemical already found in your system. In turn, you can enjoy a variety of benefits including:


Stress and Anxiety

CBD oil works to help calm your system and racing heart, and also works as a mood booster. In turn, it is a great natural remedy that can help those with anxiety, especially if used in conjunction with other relaxation techniques, like aromatherapy, music therapy, and meditation.


Neurological Relief

There is research being conducted into how effective CBD oil is for treating or at the very least alleviating symptoms in those who suffer from neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and even Parkinson’s disease. The theory behind this is that CBD is a great anti-inflammatory, and could release some pressure from the brain for patients with these diseases.


Chronic Pain

CBD oil dulls pain and is a natural anti-inflammatory, making it a good choice for those with chronic pain. More research is needed to definitively say how effective, but it is worth trying out for yourself. Mix CBD oil in with your moisturizer and rub it over the areas that you feel pain.

Though studies are still being conducted, CBD oil has shown promising as a treatment for:


● Cancer

Some evidence points to CBD oil being effective in stopping cancerous cells from growing, though the National Cancer Institute does not recommend or suggest CBD oil as a cure. Instead, it is a good solution to help manage many of the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, as it works to reduce pain, boost mood, and increase appetite.


● Acne

Studies are looking into CBD oil as an acne medication, as some results have shown that CBD is effective in stopping the sebaceous glands from overproducing the oil that results in acne.


● Seizures

A CBD prescription that has been approved by the FDA, as it has shown effective in treating and managing those seizures. More studies need to be done to conclusively say how effective CBD is, but the fact that there is a prescription drug approved by the FDA for the purpose is promising.


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